Additional relevant role information (Dec 2023)

Past Positions

Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science; and 
Director, National Quantum Coordination Office,
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Chief Scientist, Physical Sciences Research, Research Directorate, National Security Agency
Chief, Quantum Information Science, Laboratory for Physical Sciences

  • Chief of the QIS Division, managing approximately 50 technical staff from government, industry, and University of Maryland-College Park personnel conducting research at LPS. Duties include overall responsibility of the technical direction, budget, and contract execution of the largest office at LPS. Represent the NSA on high-profile relationships with industry, international partners, and government. Conduct independent research mentoring a group of 7-10 scientists, postdocs, and students in quantum information science. Program management including the ARO/LPS nextNEQST sponsored research program focused on novel disruptive qubits and directed research projects within the LQC.
  • Notable outcomes include launching of the LPS Qubit Collaboratory as the Intelligence Community’s National QIS Center, doubling laboratories and personnel in QIS at LPS, creating innovative workforce and outreach programs to increase the capacity of the Nation to generate quantum talent, and creation of the Qubit Foundry program. Personal technical contributions to the advancement of solid-state quantum computing and condensed matter physics.

Technical Director, Physical Sciences Research (LPS), National Security Agency

  • Responsible for the technical health of the three divisions of LPS: Advanced Computing Systems, Advanced Manufacturing and Sensing, and Solid-State and Quantum Physics which includes research from antenna and device design to assessing novel High Performance Computing architectures. Grew LPS overall internal research budget by 10x and almost doubled LPS research staff. Represented NSA in multiple high-level industry relationships, and on interagency subcommittees. Launched new Quantum Information Sciences office.
  • Serve as technical lead for large and complex R&D programs related to high performance computing; responsible for technical direction, relationship building with industry partners and government contractors, contracting and budget strategy.

Manager, Solid State and Quantum Physics Office, LPS
Physicist and Program Manager, Quantum Computing, LPS
Laboratory for Physical Sciences (College Park, MD)

  • Serve as program manager for quantum computing programs, supervisor for the extramural sponsored research portfolio (overseeing all programs and program managers) and supervisor for the intramural research team at LPS (managing both experimental and theoretical research scientists and their teams).
  • Technical lead for silicon quantum computing activities and assessment.
  • Technical lead for superconducting computing activities and assessment.
  • Conceive, launch, and manage new quantum computing programs for ARO/LPS, including Silicon and Superconducting QC, Quantum Characterization, Verification, and Validation (QCVV), New and Emerging Qubit Science and Technology (NEQST).
  • Principal investigator leading group at UMD working on quantum information and device theory.

Senior Consultant
Booz | Allen | Hamilton, Inc. (Arlington, VA)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA-MTO)

  • Worked on-site at DARPA as chief technical consultant helping to launch and run the Quantum Entanglement Science & Technology Program (QuEST) and Quantum Information Science (QIS) programs in the Microsystems Technology Office.