I’m a physicist. My interests include condensed-matter/solid-state physics and quantum information science and technology. The merger of these two fields creates opportunities for new physics and technology, such as quantum computers. I work to advance these goals in various roles. I also have a long-term interest in the impact of science and technology on society.

This site serves as a repository for academic work and in no way represents the views or opinions of anyone but myself. Following tradition, most of this site will be very out-of-date.

About Charlie

aka C-DAWG, Batman, Dr. Worldwide, Citizen Charlie.

I currently work at Microsoft Quantum. I’m also a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Maryland-College Park.

Formerly I was Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science and Director, National Quantum Coordination Office, at the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House; and Chief Scientist and Chief of Solid-State and Quantum Information Science at NSA’s Laboratory for Physical Sciences.

Link to original


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Science & Society

Nostalgia and Whimsy

Legacy (meaning really old) content from previous versions of this site.

  • People and Places
  • Kung Physics - My experiences as a travelling postdoc.
  • The Tahan Archive through history. Ie, when this site was da HTML bomb.
  • Old science on earth systems science, atmospheric physics, crystal growth, and other stuff including physics notes.


  • charlie at tahan dot com
